Sergiy V. KovalevskyyORCID logo

Donbass State Engineering Academy
Kramatorsk, Ukraine

INDECS 22(3), 296-304, 2024
DOI 10.7906/indecs.22.3.5
Full text available in pdf pdf icon format.

Received: 24th May 2024.
Accepted: 15th June 2024.
Regular article


The article presents the use of artificial intelligence to address the challenges Ukraine faces due to aggression, which causes significant damage to infrastructure, the economy, and society. The reconstruction process is complex and resource-intensive, with limited available resources. The potential for reparations from the aggressor is uncertain, prompting the need for financial assistance from Western partners and private investors. Ensuring the transparent and effective use of funds along with guarantees of investment protection is crucial. The Ukrainian government must also work on attracting people and businesses back to the affected areas, which is vital for community revival. It is important to develop a clear, well-justified vision for the restoration and development of regions, especially those near the zones of the aggression. This process involves collecting and analysing demographic data, spatial planning, and infrastructure development, complicated by active hostilities and resource constraints. Artificial intelligence technologies present significant opportunities in this restoration process. The potential of Artificial intelligence creates conditions for planning infrastructure projects by analysing large datasets to identify optimal construction sites. Additionally, Artificial intelligence can support the development of innovative technologies to enhance economic stability and attract investments by creating new business opportunities and improving the quality of life in areas such as education, healthcare, employment, and transportation. The role of Artificial intelligence extends to ensuring Ukraine’s defence capability, improving existing systems, predicting the military situation, and enhancing communication within military units. However, the successful implementation of Artificial intelligence’s growing potential requires substantial investments in research, development, and practical implementation. Developing open-source intelligent models to solve specific tasks and continuous user support are essential for leveraging Artificial intelligence’s full potential in Ukraine’s recovery and development.

artificial intelligence, reconstruction, economic stability, infrastructure development, defence capability


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