INDECS - Paper abstract


Josip Stepanic

 Department of Quality, Faculty of Mech. Eng. & Naval Arch. - University of Zagreb
 Zagreb, Croatia

Presented at CSNSS'03.


Characterisation of unbounded resources of a social system within the sociological interpretation has resulted in a large number of different notions, which are relevant in different situations. From the view point of statistical mechanics, these notions resemble free energy. In this paper the concept of social free energy is introduced and first steps toward its development presented. The social free energy is a function equal to physical free energy appropriately determined for the social system, with intrinsically sociological interpretation as a measure of social action obtainable in a given social system without changes in its structure. Its construction is a consequence of response of a social system to recognised parts of environment dynamics. It is argued that development of a social system response resembles exciting the normal modes of a general, physical system.


social systems, social free energy, adaptation, organisation, dispersion relation


ACM Categories and
subject descriptors:
   J.4 [Computer Applications];
Social and behavioral sciences – Sociology
JEL:A13, O30
PACS:89.65.-s, 89.75.Fb.

Full paper as pdf version.

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Last modified: 20 June 2016.