Tamara Krajna1 and
Jelka Petrak2

1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
  Zagreb, Croatia
2University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
  Zagreb, Croatia
INDECS 17(3-B), 684-696, 2019
DOI 10.7906/indecs.17.3.20
Full text available here.

Received: 16th July 2019.
Accepted: 17th September 2019.
Regular article


Highly cited papers are among the most commonly used indicators for measuring scientific excellence. The primary purpose of this study is to determine characteristics of highly cited papers authored or co-authored by Croatian researchers and to identify patterns of their national and cross-national collaboration. The Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Collection was used for collecting data. Data were filtered for the highly cited papers published in the 2008-2018 period. Half of 428 identified highly cited papers were published in only 18 journals. The distribution across subject areas showed a strong domination of the fields of physics and clinical medicine. The median number of authors per average paper was 30,5, while the same value in the case of Croatian authors was 2. Only 4% of the analysed papers were authored by Croatian researchers only. The national inter-institutional collaboration was marginal and mainly visible through joined collaboration with foreign institutions. European institutions are most frequently found among the authors' addresses. For a small country on the scientific periphery, international cooperation is a prerequisite not only for the publication of highly cited papers but also for acquiring additional research experience in mainstream scientific teams.

highly cited papers, scientifically peripheral countries


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