Scientific journal Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - INDECS, is published bimonthly as the online (ISSN 1334-4676), and printed (ISSN 1334-4684) edition, with the financial support from Croatian Ministry of Science and Education.

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Impact factor in 2022 was 0,5. Impact factor in 2023 is 0,6.
The journal is in Q3 (Social Sciences, interdisciplinary).

INDECS is indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, DOAJ, EBSCO Academic SearchTM Complete, EconLit, ERIH PLUS, and Ulrich's.
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INDECS promotes the use of ORCID identifers.


INDECS utilises the iThenticate, software plagiarism checker, for each submitted manuscript.

Creative Commons License

All articles published in the INDECS have CC BY 4.0 license.


INDECS is an open access journal, with complete content freely available without charge to users, private persons or institutions. They are are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author, in accordance with theBOAI definition of open access.


Articles published in the journal INDECS are archived in the Croatian archive Hrcak.

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Croatian Interdisciplinary Society publishes journal INDECS. It is a non-profit civil organisation.

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Croatian Interdisciplinary Society is a full member of the International Federation for Systems Research.

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Croatian Interdisciplinary Society is a full member of the CrossRef.

Additionally, browse files containing a complete issue each.
Read more about the annual award for the best published article - INDECSA.

This is the official web site of the Scientific Journal INDECS.
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Last modified: 20 June 2016.