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One copy of current issue of printed edition of INDECS costs 20 EUR (150 HRK).
One copy of older issues of printed edition of INDECS costs 25 EUR (185 HRK).
Subscription to one volume (6 issues) of printed edition of INDECS costs 115 EUR (560 HRK).
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The sum is paid to the publisher, Croatian Interdisciplinary Society. For details of the account and postal costs contact the journal's office.
Online edition is freely accessible to readers.
Printed edition of the INDECS is available after payment.
One copy of current issue of printed edition of INDECS costs 20 EUR (150 HRK).
One copy of older issues of printed edition of INDECS costs 25 EUR (185 HRK).
Subscription to one volume (6 issues) of printed edition of INDECS costs 115 EUR (560 HRK).
Postal costs are added to these amounts.
The sum is paid to the publisher, Croatian Interdisciplinary Society. For details of the account and postal costs contact the journal's office.