Nevila Mehmetaj1ORCID logo and Merita Zulfiu Alili2ORCID logo

1University "Luigj Gurakuqi", Faculty of Economics
  Shkodër, Albania
2South East European University, Faculty of Contemporary Social Sciences
  Tetova, North Macedonia

INDECS 19(2), 210-226, 2021
DOI 10.7906/indecs.19.2.3
Full text available in pdf pdf icon and xml XML icon formats.

Received: 23thJanuary 2021.
Accepted: 4thJune 2021.
Regular article


The level of educational attainment and skills of young people have a strong influence on economic activity and consequently on their employment rates. Grade point averages (GPA) of undergraduate studies keep on being a relevant selection tool in the employment process. GPA metric is believed to be an index of mental ability related later to job performance and successful outcomes. Youth employment in Albania and North Macedonia is low and unresponsive to the education of young people. This study offers an overview of youth unemployment rates in the Western Balkan countries. It uses survey analyses of tertiary graduates of economics programs at Luigj Gurakuqi University in Albania and South-East European University in North Macedonia. A comparative analysis focusing on the determinants of the employability of economics graduates in the last decade is realized using qualitative and quantitative analyses for each university. Logistic regression results indicate that the GPA of the bachelor program is an important factor in the employment of graduates. Additional variables such as gender, time of graduation, and obtaining a master's degree play an important role in being employed in Luigj Gurakuqi University. Developing educational attainment by updating educational and vocational curricula taking into account market demands would improve the school to work transition of youth.

youth employment, unemployment, graduates

JEL:J01, J21, J64

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