Boris Podobnik1 and Katica Biljaković2
1Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka,Rijeka, Croatia, and
Zagreb School of Economics and Management,
Zagreb, Croatia
2Institute of Physics,
Zagreb, Croatia
Received: 29. August 2006. Accepted: 16. January 2008.
We compared the Croatian research output with the neighboring countries and the Croatian universities with the largest Slovenian, Hungarian, and Serbian universities. As far as papers listed by Social Science Citation Index are concerned, since 2000 the University of Zagreb exhibits best results in social sciences compared to the competing universities, that is not the case in “hard” sciences. For the last 12 years, only the University of Ljubljana has shown better results in total research output than the University of Zagreb. The difference in research output between the University of Zagreb and the rest of the Croatian universities has been constantly decreasing. As a case study we compare research output at Faculty of Civil Engeenering on different Croatian universities. By analyzing European countries, we show a functional dependence between the gross domestic product (GDP) and the research output. From this fit we conclude that the Croatian science exhibits research output as expected for the given level of GDP.
scientific production, universities, SCI-E, SSCI, A&HCI
JEL: Z19
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