Hullán Szabolcs Received: 23rd March 2020. ABSTRACT KEY WORDS CLASSIFICATION
Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority
Budapest, Hungary
INDECS 18(3), 400-407, 2020
DOI 10.7906/indecs.18.3.10
Full text available here.
Accepted: 5th August 2020.
Regular article
The Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority (HAEA) embodies the guarantee of the peaceful and safe use of atomic energy for the Hungarian society (and indirectly for the citizens of neighbouring countries). It is the responsibility of the HAEA to guarantee safety complying with international standards and recommendations, and adhering to and complying with national standards. The HAEA is also responsible for coordinating the national nuclear emergency response system and helping in decision making.
International Atomic Energy Agency, international and national cooperation, nuclear emergency response, nuclear safety of cities
JEL: E65
PACS: 21.00.00